The client
Accord Mortgages, the mortgage subsidiary of Yorkshire Building Society, approached ClientsFirst as they wanted to be seen as more than a traditional lender and were keen to try content marketing to brokers as a way of achieving this.
The brief
Accord wanted the emphasis to be on helping brokers run successful businesses rather than simply promoting their products. As a result, ClientsFirst developed The Growth Series, a programme of compelling content to equip brokers with the resources they needed to grow their business.
The results
After a highly successful pilot campaign, ClientsFirst went on to develop an ongoing programme with leading industry figures as well as Accord’s in-house teams. In line with Accord’s tone of voice, I wrote a range of practical materials, including blogs, guides, checklists and podcast notes. Topics included generating online leads, recruiting the right people and getting the most out of LinkedIn to more industry specific ones such as advances in the intermediary market or later life lending.